Notting Hill Celebrates 25 Years of “Beauty is in the Details” American Craftmanship

Notting Hill Decorative Hardware, a high-end cabinet hardware company specializing in distinctive designs, is proud to announce its 25th Anniversary celebration.

Owner Kathryn Dustman

“Every home is a reflection of the owner’s personal style and what they value,” says Owner Kathryn Dustman. “Our goal is to create designs that help people infuse their own personality into their space and create a sanctuary that feels unique to them. Homeowners appreciate the artisan touches of our hardware, and many even take it with them when they move.”

Since its inception in 1996, Notting HillDecorative Hardware has embraced their motto, “The Beauty Is in the Details.” From casting to finishing, all hardware is expertly handmade by craftsmen at a local fine arts foundry in southeast Wisconsin. The distinctive hardware line has grown from the original 12 designs to over 200 current designs, and includes knobs, pulls, back plates, and appliance pulls.

Through strong relationships with local artisans, the company has plans to add new luxury hardware designs to their collections in the coming year.

“We wouldn’t be where we are without our incredible employees, dealers, and suppliers over the past 25 years,” emphasizes Dustman. “It’s a privilege to bring a little extra beauty to customers’ everyday lives, and we’re so grateful for the support of our team over the past 25 years.”

For more information on Notting Hill and their products please visit:

Notting Hill Decorative Hardware helps customers express their personal style and differentiate their home from everyone else’s with a touch of beauty and luxury through high-end hardware for cabinets and furniture. Their artisan line of hardware is handcrafted at a fine art foundry to produce a distinctive line of knobs, pulls, back plates and appliance pulls in a variety of styles. All designs are cast in pewter with intricate relief and hand-finished to highlight the artful motifs. Select pieces are embellished with enamel, hand-painting, crystals, semi-precious stones and pearls. All products are proudly made in the USA.

Editor's Note:

KB-Resource was pleased to cover Kathy’s company early in our own development as a media outlet. TAKE ONE: Notting Hill Decorative Hardware is a full presentaiton of this dynamic company’s offerings. And for a candid conversation we had tih Kathy, it’s AFTER HOURS with Kathy Dustman. Hundreds of visitors have viewed our coverage since posting. Check them out for yourself! And, Happy Anniverary to everyone at Notting Hill Decorative Hardware!

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