
A Little Green Goes a Long Way

Emerald, huh? That’s the new Pantone color of the year? Well, we have to confess a love/hate relationship for green of all shades, especially in the kitchen. Green is fresh! But let’s face it: Sometimes a little green can go a long way. Here are our favorites from Pinterest:

A Sign of Change: Is Your Business Ready for a Crisis?

In business, a crisis can happen, and if you are in business long enough, it probably will happen regardless of the size and type of business. Are you prepared? Do you have a strategy, or do you think that the business is running like a well-oiled machine and nothing will change the daily grind?

Spread the Word—LinkedIn Style

LinkedIn may not be the first social media platform that comes to mind for design professionals who want to find more clients. But LinkedIn is more than an extended help-wanted section; it’s a way to broaden their reach, often in conjunction with Facebook and other social media channels.

Social Media Cross-Pollination: How to Create Greater Buzz

One question we’ve heard frequently from designers trying to get up to speed on social media is: Which social media platform is best for designers? One way to maximize social media exposure is to cross-pollinate between platforms: Tweet what you Pin, Pin what you blog, blog what you show on Houzz, and so on.

‘This Storm Blows!’: When Do Tweets Help or Hurt Your Business?

How can designers, contractors and manufacturers of building products best approach social media following a disaster such as Hurricane Sandy? Heartfelt concern and helpful tips are preferable to overt promotions that try to take advantage of others’ misery and misfortune.