RIMA International Welcomes New Board Members for 2021

The Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association International (RIMA-I) held their annual elections in the fourth quarter of 2020 with the following Directors being elected to serve a two-year term beginning January 1, 2021:


These new Directors will join the current Board including:

Without the hard work and dedication of these individuals, and all the members within the RIMA International family, this association would not exist. For more information about RIMA International, their research and educational data, programs and services, membership and more, visit

RIMA International

The Reflective Insulation Manufacturer’s Association International is a group of dedicated people working together to propagate the knowledge and use of reflective insulation, radiant barriers and interior radiation control coatings (IRCCs). RIMA-I has been the major force in establishing fair ASTM standards for testing and installation procedures. RIMA-I welcomes all who are interested in promoting and directing the growth of the industry. For more information about membership or the industry, please contact Executive Director Mary Edmondson at 800/279-4123 or visit us on our website at

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