Take the Chilly Edge off Granite, Marble or Quartz

Take the Chilly Edge off Granite, Marble or Quartz

WarmlyYours US has introduced a line of Countertop Heaters designed to take the chilly edge off of granite, marble, quartz and other stone surfaces wherever people gather for work or play. Called WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heaters,  these versatile radiant heating elements adhere to the underside of the countertop, gently raising the temperature of the heated area an additional 20-25 degrees Fahrenheit. The ultra-slim profile of our electric radiant countertop heaters makes them virtually invisible, discreetly adding a new level of luxuriant comfort to your home or business. They come in a variety of sizes, from 17″ x 30″ to 11″ x 10″ and plug into a regular 120V outlet. A product sheet is available.

About WarmlyYours

WarmlyYours, in Lake Zurich, IL, offers the most comprehensive radiant heating support in the industry, including electric floor heating, snow melting, ice shield roof and gutter deicing, pipe freeze protection and other products including towel warmers, infrared radiant heating panels and more.