
REHAU RAUVISIO Noir Cabinet Finish Inspired by Look and Feel of the Film-Noir Genre

The REHAU RAUVISIO noirTM monotonic matte surface features the intensely rich and muted aesthetic of film noir. Forged in Italy with the finest materials and offered in North America as surfaces and custom cabinet doors, the new super-matte collection aspires to become the soul of modern residential and commercial spaces. Like the film genre, RAUVISIO […]

Häfele Cabinetry LED Linear Lighting System Offers Flexibility in Design and Style

Archdale, NC – Häfele America is paving the way for the industry as the leader in furniture and cabinetry lighting with the unveiling of Loox5 — an LED lighting system which is easier to install and infinitely smarter than the system it replaces. Providing greater flexibility in design and style, Loox5 features a significant increase in […]