
Pros and Cons: Recent AIM Research Points to the Impact Social Media has on Business

Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM), a leading B2B research company, recently published a new AIM Snapshot research on some of the advantages and disadvantages that professionals have with using social media for work. The study found that building professionals use social media for business because it is easy to use, can reach large audiences and […]

Miller’s Metaphors: Using Language to Win More Pitches

Designers are naturally visual people. But so are most of us. When visuals start to blur (try looking at ten kitchens or ten bathrooms), how do you separate your designs from others’? How do you convey to your clients and prospects what really makes you different? In other words, how do you “pitch” your clients […]

8 Customer Data Myths that are Putting Your Business Performance at Risk

In Luxury Institute’s September white paper, in partnership with DataLucent, the most common critical data myths and corresponding truths are outlined to help executives take control of their customer data strategies and tactics to drive optimal results. During the past few months, as economies recover and enter a new normal, Luxury Institute and DataLucent have […]

Time Spent on Social Media for Work is Rising

Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM), a leading B2B research company, recently published a new AIM Snapshot research on the how much time professionals spend using social media for business. The study found that overall professionals spend approximately an hour a day on social media, online networks and digital sharing sites for work. And there are […]

Social Media Channel Used Most by Building Construction Companies Remains Facebook

Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM), a leading B2B research company, recently published a new AIM Snapshot research on the most used social media or online channels by  building firms or companies. Even with the social media explosion during the pandemic, AIM researched indicates that Facebook still reigns as top leader. “Professionals turned to these channels […]

Ritchie Bros. promotes Jim Kessler to role of President

Ritchie Bros., a global marketplace for insights, services, and transaction solutions, announced today that its Chief Operating Officer, Jim Kessler, will take on the additional role of President, effective immediately. “The President role will align our global revenue, services, operations, and critical support functions under Jim’s leadership,” said Ritchie Bros. CEO Ann Fandozzi. “As we […]

How to Restore Your Marketing Paralyzed By the Pandemic

The Luxury Institute Tells Us The Three Skills Of the “Luxury Customer Experience” That Can Work for Everyone Most brands in the luxury goods and services industry were late to the last decade’s digital transformation party. Others are resting easy because they have a website, have adopted e-commerce, have finally caught up to conducting virtual […]

Staying in Front of Your Customers: Phone

The program will discuss how architects can get a better understanding of the market today in regards to servicing their customers through the use of personal contact: calling. You will gain a better understanding of the different types of phone techniques to keep specialized services forefront to their customers.